Invest in Migom Gold At Migom Trading, we have made and commissioned a coin minted at 1 Oz 99.999% 24 Karat gold. The coin is visually pleasing, with a golden M in the centre on one side and the other side showing a design of computer circuits in the shape of a globe. After refining and minting, the gold is put in a safe and secure casing with a special serialized number and documentation to provide authenticity to ourclients. Gold has actually been the oldest form of wealth since the start of civilization. Before we could comprehend it's true potential its aesthetic appeal made it worthy of exchange for food, sanctuary and security. As human beings came to be advanced rather than losing their initial significance, gold has actually become a bedrock of the word "VALUE". As we continue to innovate, the market leaders are always considered as being "THE GOLD STANDARD!" When we look a...